The standard contract form is now one page, and it incorporates the terms and conditions by reference. This means that signing the standard contract form also signifies acceptance of the applicable terms and conditions, and there is no need to separately sign the terms and conditions.
The new standard contract form, instructions, and contractor certifications and terms and conditions should be used for all new contracts executed on or after October 25, 2019.
The instructions and certifications for the standard contract form and terms and conditions have been merged into a single document titled “Standard Contract Form Instructions and Contractor Certifications.”
The most substantial change to the substance of the instructions and contractor certifications and to the terms and conditions is that language was deleted which required compliance with Executive Order 504, which was rescinded effective October 25, 2019, and new language was inserted governing the Protection of Commonwealth Data, Personal Data, and Information. The standard contract form instructions and contractor certifications and terms and conditions also include new language regarding discrimination and human trafficking. Finally, we have made a number of formatting changes and have updated records retention requirements and references to statutes, regulations, administrative policies, and executive orders.
For contracts executed before October 25, 2019, the version of the Standard Contract Form, instructions, and contractor certifications and terms and conditions that was in effect at the time the contract was executed will apply for the duration of that contract.
For renewals or amendments of existing contracts executed before October 25, 2019, the department may use the previous version of the Standard Contract Form, instructions, and contractor certifications and terms and conditions. Departments should use their best judgment during transition between use of the old forms or the new forms.